post-secondary education

Adult female in front of computer monitor with images of adults smiling

Amid COVID-19 Disruptions, Leaders Look to New Ways to Meet Learners Where They Are

As COVID-19 upends California’s education and workforce systems, community colleges, universities, labor groups, community-based organizations, workforce development leaders, and employers are seeking a more flexible postsecondary learning system that would remove access barriers and address longstanding equity concerns.

Amid COVID-19 Disruptions, Leaders Look to New Ways to Meet Learners Where They Are Read More »

adult female in front of computer monitor

Understanding Competency-Based Education, Credit for Prior Learning, and Other Flexible Learning Approaches in California

Postsecondary credential attainment is a primary path to economic and social mobility. However, more than 5.5 million Californian adults have some college but no degree and are no longer enrolled. For millions more who are juggling personal and work responsibilities, fitting college into an already hectic life seems impossible.

Understanding Competency-Based Education, Credit for Prior Learning, and Other Flexible Learning Approaches in California Read More »