State Budget

California EDGE Coalition’s Summary of the Governor’s 2024-25 Enacted State Budget

On June 29th, Governor Gavin Newsom signedthe final 2024-2025 State Budget. The budget, agreed upon by the Governor and Legislature, includes total expenditures of $297.9 billion, with $211.5 billion allocated from the General Fund. This agreement addresses a $46.8 billion deficit for the budget year through a mix of broad-based solutions, including cuts, delays, and […]

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California EDGE Coalition’s Summary of the Governor’s 2024-25 May Revision

  California EDGE Coalition’s Summary of the Governor’s 2024-25 May Revision On May 10th, Govern or Gavin Newsom presented the 2024-25 May Revision. The updated state budget outlines a $288 billion spending plan, with a revised projected shortfall of $27.6 billion, down from the January estimate of $37 billion. This comes after the Legislature reduced spending by

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California EDGE Coalition’s Summary of the Governor’s 2024-25 State Budget Proposal

On January 10th, Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled the 2024-25 state budget proposal – a $291 billion spending plan, with an updated deficit projection of $37.9 billion. To address this shortfall, the Governor is proposing various delays and cuts to programs, including the use of $12 billion from the rainy-day fund account, along with other reserves.

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CA EDGE Coalition’s Overview of the 2023-24 Enacted State Budget

On July 10th, Governor Gavin Newsom signed key components of the final 2023-24 State Budget – a $310 billion spending plan that invests and protects funding programs in the areas of education, workforce training, and social safety net services to support underserved Californians who continue to face socioeconomic barriers across the state. This budget reflects

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CA EDGE Coalition’s Overview of the 2023-24 May Revision

On May 12, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom released the 2023-24 May Revision – a $306 billion spending plan with various adjustments to the January budget proposal including funding delays, reductions, trigger cuts, and cost shifts in order to address the $31.5 billion deficit – a rise from the projected $22.5 billion deficit in January. Although

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CA EDGE Coalition’s Summary of the Governor’s 2023-24 State Budget Proposal

On January 10th, Governor Newsom released the 2023-24 state budget proposal – a $297 billion spending plan that seeks to protect significant funding commitments made in previous budget cycles, and attempts to address a budget gap without using critical state reserves, all while trying to sustain existing state programs that support Californians who are facing

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CA EDGE Coalition’s Overview of the Enacted 2022-23 State Budget

On June 30th, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the 2022-23 State Budget – a total of $300 billion will be invested in the areas of education, workforce training, and economic recovery strategies that respond to the rising inflation crisis and other socioeconomic barriers continuing to impact Californians across the state. This budget reflects an agreement and

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CA EDGE Coalition’s Overview of the 2022-23 May Revision

On May 13, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom released the 2022-23 May Revision to the state budget draft, building upon the January budget proposal with several adjustments and additional investments totaling $300 billion in the areas of education, workforce training, economic recovery, and support services for underserved Californians. EDGE applauds Governor Newsom for advancing significant funding

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Governor’s 2022-23 State Budget Proposal

The California EDGE Coalition applauds the Administration for the inclusion of education and workforce training investments geared towards addressing climate justice and the healthcare sector – all while centering equity and economic mobility for all Californians. The budget proposal builds upon last year’s historic investments that addressed food and housing insecurity, increased earn-and-learn opportunities, strengthened

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Children and adults watch the governor hold up a signed document

CA EDGE Coalition’s Overview of the Enacted 2021-22 State Budget

On July 12th, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the 2021-22 State Budget Act, a historic $262.6 billion spending plan fueled by a $76 billion state surplus and $27 billion in aid from the federal government. This state budget reflects an agreement and collaboration between the Governor and the Legislature after months of negotiations on how to

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