Other Publications

Scaling Goodwill: The Challenges of Implementing Robust Education Data Sharing Through Regional Partnerships

Author: Colleen Moore and Kathy Reeves Bracco Organization: Education Insights Center Date Published: January 1, 2018 Link to Report: http://edinsightscenter.org/Publications/Research-Reports-and-Briefs/ctl/ArticleView/mid/421/articleId/2191/Scaling-Goodwill-The-Challenges-of-Implementing-Robust-Education-Data-Sharing-Through-Regional-Partnerships

Scaling Goodwill: The Challenges of Implementing Robust Education Data Sharing Through Regional Partnerships Read More »

Skills for Good Jobs Agenda 2018: Steps Congress and the Administration Can Take to Stand Behind America’s Greatest Asset: Its People

Author: National Skills Coalition Organization: National Skills Coalition Date Published: 1/1/2018 Link to Report: https://www.nationalskillscoalition.org/resources/publications/file/Skills-for-Good-Jobs-Agenda-2018.pdf

Skills for Good Jobs Agenda 2018: Steps Congress and the Administration Can Take to Stand Behind America’s Greatest Asset: Its People Read More »

Incarceration to Reentry Education & Training Pathways in California: Reconnecting Justice in the States

Author: Wayne Taliaferro and Duy Pham Organization: CLASP Date Published: June, 2017 Link to Report: https://www.clasp.org/sites/default/files/publications/2017/08/2017June_EducationandTrainingPathwaysfromIncarcerationtoReentry.pdf

Incarceration to Reentry Education & Training Pathways in California: Reconnecting Justice in the States Read More »

Prosperity Through Partnership: Opportunities for AEBG to Strengthen Systems and Communities

Author: Judy Mortrude and Anna Cielinski Organization: CLASP Date Published: June, 2017 Link to Report: https://www.clasp.org/sites/default/files/publications/2017/08/Prosperity-Through-Partnership-Opportunities-for-AEBG-to-Strengthen-Systems-and-Communities.pdf

Prosperity Through Partnership: Opportunities for AEBG to Strengthen Systems and Communities Read More »