We have exciting news! Assemblymember Mike Fong has introduced ACR 16 Opportunity Youth in California, co-sponsored by the CA EDGE Coalition, the California Opportunity Youth Network (COYN) and New Ways to Work. This resolution uplifts the unique needs of Opportunity Youth (OY) – individuals between the ages of 16 and 24 that are not in school or working, including youth and young adults involved with the foster care, juvenile justice, and homelessness systems of care. They face employment, education, and training barriers that often do not align with efforts that center adults. ACR 16 calls for the advancement of policies and strategies that lead OY to economic mobility, particularly for young people of color.

ACR 16 also builds upon EDGE’s 2023 OY Policy Agenda. Prioritizing OY will not only expand education and workforce opportunities for them, but also expand the pool of talent that employers can access to meet their workforce needs.
To take action, follow this link to add your support to ACR 16 and/or support EDGE’s 2023 OY Policy Agenda. Deadline to add your support is by COB Friday, March 10, 2023.
For any questions, contact Anna Alvarado, Policy Director, at aalvarado@caedge.org.